
General Manager

I am a husband, father, business owner, and an active community member in the Olds, AB, Mountainview region. For the past 12+ years, my wife Dana and I have operated a successful business assisting people like u and me with their health and wellness. Dana and I have been married for over 20+ years and have 2 sons who love living life to the fullest. In my free time I enjoy a good movie, a hike in the mountains, or travelling. I’m a big fan of building memories with the people with whom I surround myself with. I want to see men and women alike to live free and the the fullest. I’m thrilled with the opportunity of taking schooling to become a professional Life Coach. In todays society I see the need for emotional, and spiritual support like before. I am where I am today because of the others who took a chance on me and walked with me through my struggles. I didnt do life alone. If you dont know where to begin, or you dont think anyone cares or wants to listen to your story ….. think again. It’s time to start a new chapter for yourself.